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Christopher of Hoghton

Elevated by:
Date elevated: 1977-07-30
Elevating Kingdom: West
Current Kingdom: Outlands
Home Group:
Squired To:

Duke (W:A:O)1983-12-03
Count (West)1980-05-03
Viscount (Mists)1979-12-01
KSCA (WEST)1977-07-30
Pelican (A & O)1986-06-14
Light of Atenveldt1985-05-19
Commander of the Solar Phoenix*1982-05-15
Aspen of Caerthe1991-01-06
Award of Arms1976-08-01
Old Battered Helm1974-06-21
Mucking Great Clubbe1975-09-28
Queen's Grace of the West1976-01-04
Queen's Grace of Atenveldt1980-12-06
Venerable Guard1988-02-13
Walker of the Way1992-05-02