| Elevated by: Lycurgus II and Mikulina II Date elevated: 1999-05-30 Elevating Kingdom: Outlands Current Kingdom: Outlands Home Group: Squired To:
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Laurel (OUTLANDS) | 1996-10-12 | KSCA (OUTLANDS) | 1999-05-30 | Pelican (Outlands) | 2012-11-10 | Flower | 1995-11-11 | Stag's Blood | 1994-02-18 | Argent Hart | 1995-01-14 | Stag's Heart | 2005-05-28 | Builders of the Portcullis of Unser Hafen | 1991-08-17 | Watch Fire of al-Barran | 2001-05-27 | Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran | 2002-05-26 | Scorpion of al-Barran | 2012-07-07 | Award of Arms | 1990-10-06 | Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran | 2000-05-27 | Venerable Guard | 2004-05-01 | Queen's Grace | 2010-04-03 | Walker of the Way | 2011-07-02 | Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard | 2018-02-24 |