| Elevated by: Date elevated: 2006-03-18 Elevating Kingdom: Outlands Current Kingdom: Outlands Home Group: Squired To:
| | | | | |
KSCA (Outlands) | 2006-03-18 | Pelican (Outlands) | 2018-11-10 | Iron Hart | 2005-05-28 | Flower | 2013-12-21 | Stag's Blood | 2000-02-20 | Stag's Heart | 2014-07-19 | Hammer of al-Barran | 2004-07-17 | Russian Thistle of al-Barran | 2005-09-17 | Trefoil | 2010-07-17 | Award of Arms | 1999-07-25 | Venerable Guard | 2008-07-12 | Queen's Grace | 2008-11-08 | Walker of the Way | 2008-12-20 | Fallen Snow | 2011-12-17 | Cordon Royal | 2014-11-08 | Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands | 2015-03-14 |