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Gunwaldt Gullbjørn

Elevated by:
Date elevated: 1977-05-29
Elevating Kingdom: Atenveldt
Current Kingdom: Outlands
Home Group:
Squired To:
Also Known As: Gunwaldt der Östermachen

Count (OUTLANDS)1986-11-01
Viscount (OUTLANDS)1977-12-17
MSCA (ATENVELDT)1977-05-29
Pelican (ATENVELDT)1984-10-06
Laurel (OUTLANDS)2006-12-16
Lion of Atenveldt, Defender of the Dream1979-01-21
Iron Hart2003-11-08
Light of Atenveldt1978-09-09
King's Gauntlet1979-11-18
Stag's Heart1993-09-11
Stag's Blood1996-02-18
Stag and Chalice2010-03-13
Scorpion of al-Barran1980-12-06
Russian Thistle of al-Barran1990-05-27
Scorpion's Sting of al-Barran1992-09-12
Award of Arms1977-01-22
Walker of the Way1982-01-23
Grail of Grace*1982-05-29
Venerable Guard1991-07-27
Cordon Royal1992-05-02
Heart of the Scorpion of al-Barran2004-12-18
Legion of Gallantry of the Outlands2005-05-29
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard2006-05-27
Queen's Cypher2007-05-12
Silver Dagger of al-Barran2017-09-23