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Albert von Dreckenveldt

Elevated by:
Date elevated: 1974-05-18
Elevating Kingdom: Middle
Current Kingdom: Outlands
Home Group:
Squired To:

Duke (Mid:A)1981-12-05
Count (Middle)1976-10-09
KSCA (MIDDLE)1974-05-18
Laurel (MIDDLE)1975-10-04
Grant of Arms1973-07-20
Dragon's Tooth1976-10-09
Baron of the Court1978-06-17
Stag's Blood2008-02-02
Doe & Mountain2016-01-30
Stag's Tynes*1982-10-17
Scales of Dragonsspine1982-05-08
Dragon's Claw of Dragonsspine1991-02-02
Dragons Blood of Dragonsspine1994-04-23
Award of Arms1973-05-12
Founding Baron1973-10-13
Territorial Baron - Retired1978-06-17
Gentle Dragon1987-05-31
Guardians of the Golden Flame1993-10-30
Venerable Guard1994-01-29
Knights Pensioners of the Venerable Guard2001-08-04
Treasured Jewels of Dragonsspine2009-09-26